select * from `terms` where (`slug` = 'executive-director' and `type` = 'blog_cat') limit 1
select `type` from `terms` where `term_id` = 12
select `terms`.`term_id`, `terms`.`name`, `terms`.`slug`, `terms`.`type`, `terms`.`parent`, `terms`.`status`, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_description' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as category_description, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_img_url' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as category_img_url, `terms`.`created_at`, `terms`.`updated_at` from `terms` inner join `term_extras` on `terms`.`term_id` = `term_extras`.`term_id` where (`terms`.`term_id` = 12) group by `term_extras`.`term_id` order by `terms`.`term_id` desc
select terms.term_id as id, `terms`.`name`, terms.slug as slug, `terms`.`type`, `terms`.`parent`, `terms`.`status`, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_description' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as description, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_img_url' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as img_url, `terms`.`created_at`, `terms`.`updated_at` from `terms` inner join `term_extras` on `terms`.`term_id` = `term_extras`.`term_id` where `terms`.`type` = 'blog_cat' and `terms`.`term_id` = 12 and `terms`.`status` = 1 group by `terms`.`term_id` order by `terms`.`term_id` desc
select `type` from `terms` where `term_id` = 11
select `terms`.`term_id`, `terms`.`name`, `terms`.`slug`, `terms`.`type`, `terms`.`parent`, `terms`.`status`, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_description' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as category_description, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_img_url' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as category_img_url, `terms`.`created_at`, `terms`.`updated_at` from `terms` inner join `term_extras` on `terms`.`term_id` = `term_extras`.`term_id` where (`terms`.`term_id` = 11) group by `term_extras`.`term_id` order by `terms`.`term_id` desc
select `posts`.* from `posts` inner join `object_relationships` on `object_relationships`.`object_id` = `posts`.`id` where (`posts`.`post_status` = 1 and `posts`.`post_type` = 'post-blog' and `object_relationships`.`term_id` = 12) order by `posts`.`id` desc
select `terms`.* from `terms` where `terms`.`type` = 'blog_cat' and `terms`.`status` = 1 and `terms`.`slug` = 'executive-director' limit 1
select * from `manage_languages` where (`default_lang` = 1)
select * from `options` where `option_name` = '_settings_data' limit 1
select terms.term_id as id, `terms`.`name`, terms.slug as slug, `terms`.`type`, `terms`.`parent`, `terms`.`status`, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_description' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as description, max(CASE WHEN term_extras.key_name = '_category_img_url' THEN term_extras.key_value END) as img_url, `terms`.`created_at`, `terms`.`updated_at` from `terms` inner join `term_extras` on `terms`.`term_id` = `term_extras`.`term_id` where `terms`.`type` = 'product_cat' or `terms`.`term_id` = 0 and `terms`.`status` = 1 group by `terms`.`term_id` order by `terms`.`term_id` desc
select * from `options` where `option_name` = '_appearance_tab_data' limit 1
select * from `options` where `option_name` = '_menu_data' limit 1
select * from `posts` where (`post_type` = 'page' and `post_status` = 1) order by `id` desc
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select * from `options` where `option_name` = '_subscription_settings_data' limit 1
select * from `terms` where (`type` = 'product_cat' and `parent` = 0 and `status` = 1)
select * from `options` where `option_name` = '_seo_data' limit 1
select `post_id`, max(cast(key_value as SIGNED INTEGER)) as max_number from `post_extras` where `key_name` = '_count_visit' group by `post_id` order by `max_number` desc limit 3
select * from `posts` where (`id` = 277 and `post_type` = 'post-blog' and `post_status` = 1)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 277 and `key_name` = '_featured_image') limit 1
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 277 and `key_name` = '_allow_max_number_characters_at_frontend') limit 1
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 277 and `key_name` = '_allow_comments_at_frontend') limit 1
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select * from `posts` where (`id` = 869 and `post_type` = 'post-blog' and `post_status` = 1)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 869 and `key_name` = '_featured_image') limit 1
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 869 and `key_name` = '_allow_max_number_characters_at_frontend') limit 1
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 869 and `key_name` = '_allow_comments_at_frontend') limit 1
select COUNT(*) as count_row, rating from `comments` where (`object_id` = 869 and `target` = 'blog' and `status` = 1) group by rating
select * from `posts` where (`id` = 867 and `post_type` = 'post-blog' and `post_status` = 1)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 867 and `key_name` = '_featured_image') limit 1
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select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1256)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1255)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1243)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1236)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1225)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1218)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1212)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1210)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1208)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1207)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1206)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1205)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1204)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1203)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1202)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1201)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1200)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1199)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1198)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1197)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1196)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1195)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1194)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1193)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1192)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1191)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1190)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1189)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1188)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1187)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1186)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1185)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1184)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1183)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1182)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1181)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1180)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1167)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1166)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1162)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1161)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1160)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1159)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1157)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1152)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1151)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1149)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1147)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1146)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 1145)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 947)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 946)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 930)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 928)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 927)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 926)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 920)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 657)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 652)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 250)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 170)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 169)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 168)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 167)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 166)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 165)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 164)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 162)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 161)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 159)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 158)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 157)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 156)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 155)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 154)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 153)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 152)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 151)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 150)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 149)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 147)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 146)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 145)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 144)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 143)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 142)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 141)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 140)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 139)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 138)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 137)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 136)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 135)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 134)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 133)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 132)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 131)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 130)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 129)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 128)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 127)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 126)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 125)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 124)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 123)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 122)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 121)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 120)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 119)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 118)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 117)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 116)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 115)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 114)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 113)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 112)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 111)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 110)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 109)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 108)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 107)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 106)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 104)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 103)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 102)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 101)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 100)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 99)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 98)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 97)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 96)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 95)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 94)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 93)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 92)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 91)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 90)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 89)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 88)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 87)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 86)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 84)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 83)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 82)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 79)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 78)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 77)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 76)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 75)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 74)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 73)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 72)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 71)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 70)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 69)
select * from `post_extras` where (`post_id` = 68)
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